Case Study: Our profile in Local Authorities


Below provides an insight into the varied work undertaken by Innovation At Work Consultants whilst working with Local Authorities. Our primary focus is to enhance the delivery of excellent Public Services. We design and produce bespoke programmes of work in Councils which are tailored to their services, targets and priorities We also work with the full spectrum of staff from frontline staff, to middle and senior managers, to Councillors.

Here's three examples of IaW client work with Councils:

1. LB Wandsworth Council Tax & Benefits Service

We are proud of our five year relationship with Wandsworth Council Tax & Benefits Directorate. We have:

  • coached the Head of Service SMT in Professional Leadership in Equalities & Diversity;
  • trained the SMT in Professional Leadership in Equalities & Diversity;
  • currently we have designed a Staff & Managers Charter to deliver the Public Duty: Promoting Good Relations At Work;
  • capacity built the Staff Diversity Group;
  • offered consultancy on the Equality Impact Assessment model to senior managers;
  • rolled out the Equalities & Diversity training for New Starters;
  • rolled out Ending Harassment training to all Officers.

2. Kent County Council

As Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) specialists and Recruitment specialists we have won the county wide contracts to roll out:

  • foundation training to all managers in EIAs;
  • design intermediate coaching sessions for managers who are practically engaged in conducting and writing EIAs;
  • rolled out the refresher Recruitment & Selection training to managers.

3. London Borough of Merton

We designed and currently deliver foundation training in Equality & Diversity to all frontline staff in LB Merton. This is on-going training and the outcome is to ensure that Frontline staff take account of equalities and the different identities of the Public in order to ensure that they deliver ‘excellent services’.


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